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News & Events

Farmer Field School   established   near Chotiari Reservoir

The Indus for All Programme’s team at Chotiari Reservoir has successfully initiated a mobilization and awareness campaign to engage farming communities in sustainable agricultural practices.  In this concern, a Farmer Field School in collaboration with the District Agriculture Department and Chotiari Development Organization has been established at Chotiari Town. In this connection a three-year Action Plan has been developed to demonstrate Best management Practices (BMPs) in agriculture. A   group of 25 farmers were trained in better agro practices for wheat crop viz-a-viz   establishing a BMP Demonstration Plot. Mr. Habib Baig from District Agriculture Department was the visiting subject specialist while Mr. Liaquat Ali Mallah and Mr. Dilbar Keerio served as Master Trainers.
 Other practices like  Integrated Past Management and & Efficient Irrigation Systems for different crops and types of lands,  Farmer Exposure Visits and  Agriculture Festival for awareness at large scale are underway as part of the action plan.

Farmers durinf training session in the Field School

Untitled Document Publications